Guccifer 2.0 Hacked Clinton Foundation

Many of you have been waiting for this, some even asked me to do it.

So, this is the moment. I hacked the Clinton Foundation server and downloaded hundreds of thousands of docs and donors’ databases.

Hillary Clinton and her staff don’t even bother about the information security. It was just a matter of time to gain access to the Clinton Foundation server.

Here’s the contents of one of the folders that I got from there


As you can see, the private server of the Clinton clan contains docs and donors lists of the Democratic committees, PACs, etc. Does it surprise you?

Here are some docs for example

A small list of donors master-west-tracker-2-5k-1-1-2010-7-10-2015


Financial corporations’ donations hfscmemberdonationsbyparty6101


It looks like big banks and corporations agreed to donate to the Democrats a certain percentage of the allocated TARP funds.



Here’s a link to some other docs:!Fp4xmADa

I can’t post all databases here for they’re too large. I’m looking for a better way to release them now.

Keep following…

P.S. I’m pleased to congratulate Wikileaks on their 10th anniversary!!!

Julian, you are really cool! Stay safe and sound!

521 thoughts on “Guccifer 2.0 Hacked Clinton Foundation

  1. On Wikileaks Twitter feed, a few days ago, he shared a download which I downloaded and unpacked with 7-zip. I only got the folder that start with A-F. Is that all that was released or did I do something wrong? I would like to view the Pay 2 Play folder.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: AGENDA 21 RADIO
  3. You can put the bigger files in Winzip compressed or ti like geocities and other freebie sites
    good job
    keep digging
    Pelosis server and Lynch and Huma, Valeri Jarrett, Soros
    When you pay your taxes the money goes to the Bank of England and the Vatican they got servers
    These other thugs have to have their own foundations too
    Governors and mayors got servers too
    World bank
    Saudi companies like Al Waleed
    They all have servers somewhere

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I think it’s odd that this Guccifer 2.0 doc hack was released four days ago and has yet to be mentioned in any media outlets outside the internet.
    I would gather that a story as potentially as large as this would at least get some mention, if only to examine whether the allegations of the big banks giving cash kickbacks in the form of taxpayer TARP funds have merit.

    I mean, it’s not like the media news outlets don’t have access to Google.


  5. Guccifer, what do you know about Mark Nichols ( This guy is tied to some pretty covert crap, and is in deep with the Hillary campaign…why? Why would a covert have anything to do with a presidential campaign?


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